Lucky You
A Game to Get Closer to Your Friends
Do you ever wonder if your friends have a wild side? Or need a playful nudge to kickstart a night?
We have released several expansions to include new cards to your decks!
Four Petals & Oral - This pack goes all the way! Sex of all types with Oral cards marked so they can easily be separated if desired
Sex Toy - Include toys in your play! These cards may require things like a vibrator, dildo, something to tickle, and something to blindfold!
Vagina and Penis Packs - Include cards that specifically
Create Your Own Cards - What is a party card game without the create your own pack!
More expansions are coming to dive into different kinkdoms allowing you to mix and match to create the perfect decks for you and your friends. If you have an idea for an expansion, let us know on our discord!
Select the Petal Levels and Expansions you want to play with. Separate the different levels into individual decks and shuffle them. Than set each deck out in the middle of the group.
Buy it!
You can purchase the Three main packs and the expansions in our store!
Time: 30+ Minutes
Players: Best played with Four or more players
Age: 18+
How to Play
Pick a player to be first through what ever way suits you. A fun one is who last masturbated!
For One Petal cards you can choose to have just the person that drew the card answer, or everyone can answer!
For Two Petals and beyond, you might come across a spinner symbol, this means to spin a bottle or something else to determine who the other party will be.